Sports courses for children in Frankfurt

Sports courses for children
in Frankfurt

Fun, exercise and social life

Exercise is the key to a happy and healthy life – especially for children! At Outdoor Kids, we know how important it is for children to stay active and channel their energy in the right direction. Our sports courses are specifically designed to help children enjoy exercise.

Whether ball games, coordination exercises or team games – our sports activities for children promote physical fitness, boost self-confidence and are simply fun. With our children’s sports courses, we create the perfect mix of play, exercise and social learning.

Start now and discover how sport inspires, motivates and makes children happy. Your children are in good hands with us – for an active, healthy and happy childhood!

outdoorkids kostenfreies probetraining

Does your child need lots of exercise in a playful way?

Then try out our indoor courses during the free trial period!

Register your child now for our free trial period and find out which courses suit your child best. Our experienced trainers look forward to welcoming your child and showing them how varied and playful exercise can be!

Our indoor courses are perfect for anyone who wants to offer their children an active activity in a safe and motivating environment. At Outdoor Kids, we attach great importance to ensuring that your child not only moves, but also has lots of fun. With our sports courses, we get your child actively moving – with varied activities that offer something for every child!”

Indoor classes are ideal for learning new skills, building confidence and letting off steam – all regardless of the weather. Let’s work together to inspire and excite your child through sport, and stop by to find the perfect exercise solution for your child!

Outdoor sports – experience exercise in the great outdoors!

Outdoor sports –
Experience exercise in the great outdoors!

Play outside, learn together!

Fresh air, plenty of space and lots of fun: our outdoor courses offer children the opportunity to experience the joy of exercise in the fresh air. With our sports courses, we show how varied and fun children’s sports can be – whether running games, obstacle courses or ball sports.

Here, children not only learn how much fun exercise is, but also how important

Team spirit and cohesion. Our children’s sports offers ensure that every child can use their energy positively and experience unforgettable moments. Take the next step and discover how much fun sport can bring your child outdoors – in the middle of nature and always full of action!

Discover your passion – sport and fun for kids!

Discover your passion –
Sport and fun for kids!

Exercise with heart – sport for children, anywhere and anytime!